Stone Hill Subdivision Denham Springs Real Estate Video Tour – Stone Hill Subdivision Denham Springs Real Estate Video Tour

Denham Springs FHA Home Appraisers: Pete’s Hwy I-12 Interchange On Track? – Denham Springs FHA Home Appraisers: Pete’s Hwy I-12 Interchange On Track? According to Livingston Parish News dot com, “DENHAM SPRINGS – A long discussed third I-12 interchange here, this one at Pete’s Highway, may be back on track. U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu has secured an additional money for the access improvement that was once a top priority of local officials in the 1990s. Former Mayor Jim DeLaune agreed to postpone the interchange to help expedite a similar project at the next exit at Juban Road. At the time, traffic counts on I-12 passing Range Avenue were little over Continue reading Denham Springs FHA Home Appraisers: Pete’s Hwy I-12 Interchange On Track?

About Half of US mortgages underwater by 2011, How Will This Impact Greater Baton Rouge? Your Comments?

About Half of US mortgages underwater by 2011 “NEW YORK (Reuters) – The percentage of U.S. homeowners who owe more than their house is worth will nearly double to 48 percent in 2011 from 26 percent at the end of March, portending another blow to the housing market, Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday. “Home price declines will have their biggest impact on prime “conforming” loans that meet underwriting and size guidelines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the bank said in a report. Prime conforming loans make up two-thirds of mortgages, and are typically less risky because of stringent requirements.” Continue reading About Half of US mortgages underwater by 2011, How Will This Impact Greater Baton Rouge? Your Comments?

Denham Springs Livingston Parish FHA and Rural Development Appraisers – Denham Springs Livingston Parish FHA and Rural Development Appraisers   Bill Cobb, CREA, is Greater Baton Rouge’s favorite and most reputable home appraiser frequently called upon by banks, homeowners, and savvy real estate investors to assess property values. A home appraiser with 17 years experience, Bill Cobb brings a wealth of knowledge to the table as a home appraiser. Bill’s company, Accurate Valuations Home Appraisal Group, serves Greater Baton Rouge (East Baton Rouge Parish, West Baton Rouge Parish, Western Livingston Parish and Northern Ascension Parish). Contact Bill Cobb and Accurate Valuations Home Appraisal Group for your next home Continue reading Denham Springs Livingston Parish FHA and Rural Development Appraisers

Walker Louisiana 70785 Peaks Point Subdivision  – Walker Louisiana 70785 Peaks Point Subdivision

Livingston Parish FHA Appraisers Video: 3 New Schools Opening In Livingston Parish – Livingston Parish FHA Appraisers Video: 3 New Schools Opening In Livingston Parish The Advocate Newspaper is reporting on 3 New Schools Openining In Livingston Parish – Video Interview With Bill Spear

Greater Baton Rouge Townhome and Condo Market Still Faces Challenges in 2009 – Greater Baton Rouge Townhome and Condo Market Still Faces Challenges in 2009 I recently performed an appraisal in the gated townhome development, Bromley Townhomes in Baton Rouge 70810, which was further evidence to me that the Post Katrina Very High Pricing and overbuilding of Condos and Townhomes (not to mention too many condo conversions) across Greater Baton Rouge will take some time to absorb and correct. And, the correction is not pretty. Bromley Towhomes is an upscale, gated townhome development within 1/2 mile of Perkins Rowe where in 2004 to 2006, new 2 bedroom 1,460sf units sold between Continue reading Greater Baton Rouge Townhome and Condo Market Still Faces Challenges in 2009

Greater Baton Rouge Home Sales Decline 19% First 6 Months Of 2009 – Baton Rouge Business Report is Reporting Greater Baton Rouge Home Sales Decline 19% First 6 Months Of 2009 The Baton Rouge Business Report is reporting this morning that area home sales were down 19% for the first 6 months of 2009. The link to the news on 7/13/2009 is at: and here’s a snippet as directly quoted: “Baton Rouge area home sales are down 19% through the first six months of 2009 as the effects of the national recession continue in the area. According to figures from the Greater Baton Rouge Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service, Continue reading Greater Baton Rouge Home Sales Decline 19% First 6 Months Of 2009