Denham Springs Real Estate Question: Should Homeowner Invest $60,000 For A Pool and Landscaping On A $250,000 Home? – Denham Springs Real Estate Question: Should Homeowner Invest $60,000 For A Pool and Landscaping On A $250,000 Home? As a home appraiser, I often see this type of scenario: Homeowner wants that swimming pool in the backyard with a lot of nice landscaping. That’s human nature to want nice features with your home, an outlet to help alleviate the monotony and stress of daily living after a hard days work, especially since many of the residential developments today aren’t designed for quality of life amenities, such as with walking and biking paths and trails. However, with a home Continue reading Denham Springs Real Estate Question: Should Homeowner Invest $60,000 For A Pool and Landscaping On A $250,000 Home?

Twelve Home Improvements That Didn’t Reward: Could These Apply To Denham Springs Market? – Twelve Home Improvements That Didn’t Reward: Could These Apply To Denham Springs Market? Justin Pierce has written an article on “12 Improvements That Didn’t Pay: Learn From These Rehab Mistakes” where he warns homeowners not to over-prove their homes. This article is certainly worth reading for locals as well. This appraiser also asked a similar question in a recent article on over improving your home: “Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate Question: Is It Wise To Invest $60,000 For A Pool and Landscaping For A $250,000 Home?” Here’s a snippet: “Here are the Big 12 ill Advised Home Improvements Continue reading Twelve Home Improvements That Didn’t Reward: Could These Apply To Denham Springs Market?

Certified FHA Home Appraisers in the City of Denham Springs Louisiana – Certified FHA Home Appraisers in the City of Denham Springs Louisiana Office: 225-293-1500 or 1-888-678-3544 Fax: 1-866-663-6065 Staff Email: [email protected] Bill Cobb, Accurate Valuations Group Appraiser, has operated as a home appraiser for 18 years now primarily in the Greater Baton Rouge, Louisiana market. Bill performs Conventional, FHA and RD/Rural Development home appraisals. For more information on Accurate Valuations Home Appraisal Group, visit FHA Appraisers in East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Ascension & Livingston Parishes. Our Service Areas: All of East & West Baton Rouge, Western Half of Livingston Parish (Denham Springs, Walker, Watson & Livingston) and Continue reading Certified FHA Home Appraisers in the City of Denham Springs Louisiana

FHA Appraisers Denham Springs Report On South Point Subdivision Statistics For 2009 – FHA Appraisers Denham Springs Report On South Point Subdivision Statistics For 2009 Based On Both:   AVERAGE SALES & LISTING PRICES FROM 11/2008 to 11/2009: MEDIAN SALES & LISTING PRICES FROM 11/2008 to 11/2009:   Tags: Denham Springs, Denham Springs Appraisers, Denham Springs FHA Appraisers, South Point Subdivision

Satsuma Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers: Satsuma Expecting Business Growth – Satsuma Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers: Satsuma Expecting Business Growth Local News is reporting on Satsuma growth, article link and video is here. Here’s a snippet from the article: “SATSUMA, LA (WAFB) – Many people know Satsuma only as an exit off I-12. But within the year, real estate brokers predict the exit will explode with business. That’s where the new North Oaks complex is being built. Three strip malls have been ready for occupancy for almost a year, but only two businesses have moved in. So what’s the holdup? Since last year, heavy machinery has been pushing Continue reading Satsuma Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers: Satsuma Expecting Business Growth

Denham Springs’s Harrell’s Ferry Landing Video Tour – Denham Springs’s Harrell’s Ferry Landing Video Tour

Denham Springs Canyon Road Subdivision Video Tour – Denham Springs Canyon Road Video Tour

Denham Springs Whispering Pines Video Tour – Denham Springs Whispering Pines Video Tour

Don’t Miss NAR’s Denham Springs Real Estate Today Radio Show For Saturday 8/15/2009.

Don’t Miss NAR’s Denham Springs Real Estate Today Radio Show For Saturday 8/15/2009. Topics include: Local Market Conditions, Housing Numbers and You?, Housing Numbers And The Economy and Dagen McDowell, Anchor of Fox Business Channel.

Stone Hill Subdivision Denham Springs Real Estate Video Tour – Stone Hill Subdivision Denham Springs Real Estate Video Tour