A Lax Home Inspector Is Not An Agent’s Friend– “Hey Doug, Thanks for the offer. Who’s doing your client’s home inspection”? When my buyer asks for a vendor recommendation, I suggest inspectors who are considered “tough” by the agent community.
“Hey Doug, Thanks for the offer. Who’s doing your client’s home inspection”?
When my buyer asks for a vendor recommendation, I suggest inspectors who are considered “tough” by the agent community. Why not use Mister EZ Pants, he never “kills deals”? Let’s examine why a lax home inspection may lead to a major headache down the line.
1) Professional home inspectors generate professional quality reports– Great organization, clear pictures, and easy to understand opinions. If there is a problem said report becomes a powerful tool in my negotiation box. One inspector who I would NEVER recommend uses onion paper. Good luck with that!…..
Baton Rouge Appraiser Advice: Always get a home inspection before purchasing a home, even if it’s new construction. NEVER ASSUME a home is mechanically sound or free from major defects. GET A HOME INSPECTION…from a highly reputable H.I.!
Via Doug Rogers in Alexandria, LA
Read Doug’s remaining 4 tips at the link below.
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